Our goal is to improve the activities of our partners and customers, offering them new business opportunities, developing innovative strategies with them and supporting them in the exploration and penetration of new international markets, as well as in the reduction of management costs thanks to a joint organization of strategic activities and services such as distribution, logistics, marketing, communication, digitization, etc.
It is a professional Business Consulting Firm specializing in the field of business internationalization and other services, such as:

About US
- Strategic consulting and Project Management to support the development of national and international projects, as well as the implementation of business development plans in various product sectors, regarding various issues and purposes;
- Flexible coaching and managerial support both as a Temporary Export Manager for SMEs, and as Network Manager for business networks, clusters and consortia dedicated to innovation and internationalization;
- Europlanning consists in the design of international calls for tenders and tenders, support for the phases of definition, presentation, development, reporting and “dissemination” (European institutional communication);
- Management consultancy in the drafting, implementation and coordination of Business Plans, feasibility studies, marketing strategies, commercial strategies, financial plans and international contracts, market research, opinion polls and company certifications on the “tax credit for research and development activities” and as part of the “National Industry 4.0 Plan”;
- Support for the planning, establishment and development of aggregations between SMEs and European organizations (business networks, joint ventures, ATI, consortia, cooperatives, clusters, etc.), of start-ups and innovative SMEs and commercial networks both in Italy and abroad, including the evaluation of the correct “Transfer Pricing”;
- Organization and operational support for international missions and fairs, B2B meetings, conventions and other promotional and business matching events in Italy and abroad;
- Import & export activities organized both directly and indirectly (international commercial mediation), support for participation in national and international tenders, operational, commercial, logistics and legal consultancy (including contracts);
- Support to production, logistic and commercial activities in the “fair trade” and “smart cities & communities” sectors and to “no profit” organizations, including foundations, non-profit organizations and associations;
- Search for partnerships and private financing (venture capital, business angels, investment funds, crowdfunding platforms) to support the development of the projects we manage directly;
- Professional training for university and post-graduate students, entrepreneurs and professionals, participation as a speaker at conventions, conferences, training courses, charity events.
Furthermore, Demix International Consulting is also Co-Founder of numerous innovative projects such as: InnoWatch and InnoShop; OpenAi and OpenLab; ECOMO and MEDCO; IMC and the Multicultural Association “I Due Mondi”.
COLLABORATIONS: Lombardy Region, Finlombarda Spa, PoliS Lombardia, Unioncamere Lombardia and numerous Chamber of Commerce of Northern Italy including Milan, NIBI Nuovo Istituto di Business Internazionale, EUPF (European Register of Europrogettists recognized by the European Commission), CCIE of Rosario in Argentina, Bergamo Sviluppo, National Body for Microcredit of Rome and Bank of Italy, CNA Services, Unione ConfCommercio, Confimi Servizi, Confindustria, ALCE Associazione Ligure Commercio Estero, the Jobs Academy foundation.