Nowadays, digitization and internationalization are fundamental to connecting innovative realities in different parts of the world. International markets are in constant development, growth and change and we must keep up with the times: the world of the 21st century without digital is obsolete, the opportunities that the overseas offers are within everyone’s reach, if only one knows how to seize them, work them, realize them, realize them. We at Demix do this, and much more.

WHAT DO WE DO specifically to help you?

We guarantee a professional strategic consulting service, and we have a wide knowledge of the element involved in the supply chain, managing companies of various sizes, industrial and commercial. Our approach, both strategic and operational, allows domestic and international companies to successfully face export, and at the same time to reduce costs through international partnerships to obtain an efficient import system.

Our core business is dedicated to provide International Business & Marketing services, supporting Smes in their international growth and providing a range of services, complementary to export, to offer operational contributions and effective solutions to improve the ability to compete internationally and create strategic projects.

OUR SERVICES to companies


We accompany companies in defining the best strategy for positioning products and services in foreign markets, through the creation of a «step by step» system.

COMPANY CHECK-UP – The first phase of the start-up of the business includes an analysis of the company structure, aimed at identifying the commercial characteristics of the company. Then the attention shifts to the product or service to be exported.

STRATEGIC PLANNING – The company identity, which emerged from phase 1, and commercial data, coming from the study of the international markets of reference, allow to identify the most receptive countries, and therefore strategic, in relation to the product or service of the company. The processing of these input data allows to obtain an International Business Plan, an indispensable tool for planning a shared commercial development path.

ACTION – the purpose and the heart of the service is the promotion on foreign markets identified as sales targets.


An effective and efficient approach to supply management, able also to seize the advantages of the global market, concurs the elimination of the risk of breakage of stock, avoiding the consequent losses of customers, as well as damages of image and reputation.

The DEMIX Group, through partnership agreements with organizations operating internationally, offers its customers tailor-made services, able to improve the entire supply chain related to purchases. We select for you the best suppliers, at an international level, and we organize purchasing networks able to guarantee competitiveness and low costs for an efficient coordination of the entire supply chain.

International market analysis

A proper market analysis allows the entrepreneur to identify the best markets and strategies to acquire lists and names of potential foreign customers.

Identifying the best target strategies and markets, is a direct result of an analysis of the sector and individual potential customers (leads) which is based on some key factors:

  • Study of the market
  • Analysis of direct and indirect competitors
  • Macroeconomic analysis and identification of target countries
  • Creation of a portfolio of potential prospects

The International Market Analysis allows the entrepreneur to:

  • Identify on a reliable basis the most profitable markets and the best strategies to reach them
  • Assess operational risks and opportunities
  • Acquire lists and names of potential profiled customers

International market targets

Which countries are the most interesting on a statistical basis to collaborate with?

After a search they identify:

  • Countries with a suitable and high potential market for the sector concerned
  • Countries that have significantly increased the demand for that particular product in recent years
  • The number of potential prospects per country, broken down by rating and credit risk
  • Countries where both local and international competition allows market niches still unexplored

Strategic consulting

Following the identification of the company’s strengths and weaknesses, its competitive convergence measures, and in parallel with the launch of commercial internationalisation activities, the company will be guided in the preparation of every element necessary to support the activities carried out by our Temporary Export Manager.

Through a synergistic partnership with Demix International Consulting, the client company can have all the necessary consulting support for a winning, coordinated and integrated marketing, communication and image policy, as well as any complementary service useful for the proper management of business in foreign markets, with the support of our Temporary Export Managers.

Demix International Consulting, through ad hoc training courses, is able to guarantee to the human resources already inserted in the company, directly or indirectly involved in export activities, a professional coaching path that allows a rapid acquisition of the know-how necessary for a proper process of stability, continuity and autonomy in the management of their business.

To support the development of your internationalization project, we also research and evaluate public and private finance solutions that allow for greater sustainability.

Digital Marketing

Our agency specializes in the creation of ad hoc paths, studied on the needs of each individual client, to achieve clear and effective objectives.

We are committed to supporting 360° Startups, businesses and entrepreneurial activities in the international development phase, offering services in the digital field.

Thanks to the support of Demix Innovation Lab and using digital marketing solutions in various languages, including websites, blogs, social media, e-commerce platforms, international communities, etc., we deal with:

  1. Improve the reputation of a brand/ company in Italy and abroad;
  2. Promote the knowledge and recognition of a brand/ company in Italy and abroad;
  3. Launch a new brand/company in Italy and abroad;
  4. Launch a new product or service in Italy and abroad;
  5. Acquire new customers in Italy and abroad.