Green Spot U-Miles is present within the ecosystem of the Business Incubator of Bergamo, in addition to being a startup accredited by the University of Bergamo is a multi-awarded and representative company for the Lombardy region at the National Innovation Award 2019 in the CleanTech sector. The company has dedicated itself to the Research and Development of a bollard for the generation of energy through the vehicular flow of traffic, one of the solutions developed, exploits a special linear generator. This technology has led to the filing of a patent for a utility model and is currently the subject of study and testing processes.
The initial core business of U-miles consists in the marketing of a “green spot”, i.e. a charging station. that is a charging station fully customizable, and in addition it is possible to place side by side a particular bump in the road, both equipped with photovoltaic laminas that work in symbiosis to power utilities for sustainable mobility.
features of GREEN SPOT U-MILES
The Green Spot is able to fully recharge up to 4 E-Bikes or electric scooters per day, through the photovoltaic panels on the column and on the bump, and through a micro-wind turbine. The system can recharge smart devices through USB ports, ensure a Wi-Fi connection at any location, and monitor the performance and parameters of the system.
In addition to the customization of the Green Spot, there is also the possibility to choose from a wide range of integrated options according to your needs; such as special sensors, light points, a compressor or even be able to increase the energy revenue of your system.

The basic structure of the Green Spot is composed of 3 photovoltaic panels, one of 215 W and two of 55 W, the micro-wind turbine is 600 W. The solar bump instead, is composed of two special panels of 80 W. The energy obtained is stored in a battery pack of 24V and 220 Ah.
The utility can be interfaced with a 300W inverter and 8 USB ports. It can recharge up to 5 scooters and more than 8 cell phones in less than 24 hours; the solar bump can be modulated, with a maximum no-load consumption up to 18 W and the battery pack life is up to 2 weeks.

We promote technological development, with particular focus on energy harvesting in the field of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systyem).
We are dedicated to Research and Development of systems for energy generation through the vehicular flow of traffic.
One of the solutions developed, exploits a special linear generator. This technology has led to the filing of a patent for utility model and is currently the subject of study and testing processes.
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