It is a non-profit cultural association that promotes all kinds of cultural activities: artistic, recreational, tourist, food and wine, sports, social, research and training activities by establishing refresher courses, advanced courses, study groups and research; supports municipal administrations with services for the promotion and protection of the environment and the territory, through the organization of meetings, conferences and events.

Come ad esempio:
- Orobic Highland Games: the province of Bergamo, strategically located in the heart of the Orobic Prealps, from 27 April to 06 May 2012 hosted a taste of Scottish culture. A great event, based on the exchange of knowledge of sports, entertainment and lifestyles. As part of the event, took place TICKET RETURN, matching days between Italian and Scottish companies aimed at the development of new businesses;
- From Head to Feet: in 2011/2012 Carica! following the partnership between Demix Group, the University of Milan and ESAE Srl, has contributed to the dissemination of the project: “Research and Development of new systems to improve health and psychophysical performance in sports and rehabilitation”, in the geographical area of Insubria;
- ECOMO: is a cooperative of 250 agricultural producers in Côte d’Ivoire, organized for the production of coffee and cocoa. Demix has launched for Ecomo the certification process Fairtrade and Flo-Cert, the prestigious international brands guarantee that the products they certified have been processed without causing exploitation and poverty in the South of the world and are marketed according to the criteria of “Fair Trade”.
Carica! In order to promote the improvement of the quality of life of the population living in the area 2011, supports Coop Ecomo and the Demix Group with the promotion of their activities, also supporting them with sponsorship and fundraising activities. For all projects, own or commissioned, Load! active search for public and private funding, the proceeds from each project are reinvested in new productions.
The ability to dialogue with communities of people and not only with “targets”: these are the factors that characterize the activity of Carica! towards investors, both public and private.